martes, 6 de julio de 2010



Have you ever thought of somebody who really cares about endangered animals and is capable of risking his own life in order to save them? Have a look at this video of the Sea Shepherd Paul Watson, a real environmentalist willing to protect sea wildlife.


1. What is the Sea Shepherd organization?
2. According to the TV presenter, what three things has captain Watson tried to fight against in the last thirty years?
3. What is a sea sanctuary?
4. Which animals does Paul Watson focuse on and tries to protect? You can check other videos related on youtube.
5. What does Paul Watson say to the Oriental Blue Bird ship when its crew is trying to fish in the protected area?
6. Which environmental organization does Paul want to contribute with the Sea Shepherd project? Why?
7. Mention 3 marine animals in danger of extinction and other 3 animals that live in the rainforests.
8. Do you think we all should be more conecerned about endangered animals?


How do you think we should all contribute to the protection of sea wildlife? Do you think governments can do something to avoid illegal hunting? Give your reasons to justify your answer.



Students should answer the questions properly, making an appropiate use of grammar and syntax.
Students have to show interest towards the given topic, checking the websites provided.
Some answers to the questions are not on the video, so students need to check other resources.


They have to prepare a powerpoint presentation in groups of 4 or 5, prepare an oral presentation and record it so the rest of the class can see it. They upload it on the blog and make comments of the other groups' projects.

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Patricia,
    I love your post. Environmental issues are always present in the text books curricula and are also a link to an everyday problem. It´s a topic in which you can connect the two worlds and students always have an opinion about it. The length of the video is perfect too.
    The photographs are very beautiful as well as the back of the blog. I didn´t find many alternatives in my blog account.
    Good work!
    Best wishes
    Isabel Jimenez
