sábado, 10 de julio de 2010


I've always liked music in general. When I was a child I used to translate all the lyrics from my favourite songs, that is why now I enjoy using songs from good music bands in my English lessons. I consider music as something amusing from which we can actually learn lot. When we listen to songs we like in a foreign language, we want to know what they are talking about in order to feel identified with them. That's what we are all going to do in this Wiki, listen, enjoy and interpret the meanings of our favourite songs.

- We will listen to a song on the youtube link provided.
- There will be an activity based on fill in the gaps (lyrics of the song) or translation.
- You will have to answer to some questios reated to the song.
- All of you will hae o come up wiith your own interpretation of the song after studying what the lyrics say.
- We will then listen, rehearse it and sing it in class.
- In the future everybody will have to provide a song and work with it


- The fill in te gaps or paragraph translation activity should be fully completed.
- The questions should be answered with accurate language, respecting the subject-verb-complements structure.
- All students need to participate and explain their own interpretation of the song.
- The final project consists on providing a song and work on it in a way the rest of the class can comment about the song too. This will be an important part of the grade.


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