miércoles, 14 de julio de 2010


Hi to everybody,

I hope you like Ireland as much as me, it is a magic country full of legends and a deep history behind. Its landscapes are stunning: rivers, green neverending fields and amazing cliffs. Irish people are kind and welcoming and its environment is fairly well protected. I was living there for a year and a half and it was one of the greatest times in my life!

As a class activity, you will have to do some research about the country (in pairs) after clicking on the tags on the map provided to get some knowledge about it. As you will see, Ireland's main's cities are Dublin, Cork, Galway, Belfast, Derry and Dublin. I have included many places to visit, but you will have to include 3 more tags on those cities featuring places of interest. Those places can be museums, harbours, pubs, restaurants or even hotels.


1. Each pair of students will have to choose one of the Irish cities mentioned above and create a tourist guide on a mural with its main interests.

2. Include the map which with three more tags in each city will have to be uploaded on your own blogs. You will perform an oral presentation in front of the class that will count as the speaking mark for the term.

Hope you enjoy it! Here's the map:

Map or Ireland

Ver Trip to the Emerald Island en un mapa más grande

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